Artículos acerca del lenguaje de programación de bases de datos Oracle SQL y PLSQL y mas.
Describe the features of Oracle Database 12c
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Jorge Niño
The DML (data manipulation language) commands are: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE.
The DDL (data definition language) commands are: CREATE, ALTER, DROP, RENAME, TRUNCATE and COMMENT.
The DCL (data control language) command are: GRANT and REVOKE.
The TCL (transaction control language) commands are: COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT.
Retrieving Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
Concatenation with NULL is OK.
Expressions with NULL always result in NULL.
Operator precedences are shown in the following list, from highest precedence to the lowest. Operators that are shown together on a line have the same precedence.
- (unary minus), ~ (unary bit inversion)
*, /, DIV, %, MOD
-, +
= (comparison), <=>, >=, >, <=, <, <>, !=, IS, LIKE, REGEXP, IN
AND, &&
OR, ||
Restricting and Sorting Data
BETWEEN is inclusive.
Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
TRIM by default trims whitespace.
To TRIM other characters use the following syntax.
LEADING, TRAILING or BOTH can be specified in TRIM to control where the characters are trimmed from.
TRIM(BOTH '#'from'#MYSTRING#') -- This is the default.
MONTHS_BETWEEN works backwards, that is a positive number is returned when the first argument is greater than the second.
Queries with the USING syntax cannot alias the column(s) used in the USING(...) clause.
SELECTd.deptnoFROM emp e
JOIN dept d USING(deptno)
-- Results in ORA-25154: column part of USING clause cannot have qualifier.
USING, NATURAL JOIN and ON are mutually exclusive and these JOIN types cannot be mixed.
Using Subqueries to Solve Queries
Subqueries can be nested an unlimited depth in a FROM.
Subqueries can "only" be nested 255 levels deep in a WHERE.
Subqueries cannot be used in a GROUP BY or ORDER BY.
Use a set operator to combine multiple queries into a single query
UNION, MINUS and INTERSECT all remove duplicates and order the results. UNION ALL does neither of these.
ORDER BY can only be used at the end of a compound (UNION, MINUS, INTERSECT) query and not in each individual part. If you put an ORDER BY for an individual query you will get ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended.
Managing Tables using DML statements
Oracle is ACID compliant:
A tomicity: All or nothing.
C onsistency: Within a given statement the data manipulated is from the same starting point and not modified part way through.
I solated: Until committed, changed data cannot be seen by others.
D urable: Once committed the changes are never lost.
If an error occurs during a statement the work of the statement is undone but the work of all other statements in the same transactions remain but uncommitted.
Whilst sometimes categorized as DML, TRUNCATE is DDL and cannot be rolled back.
Insert rows into a table
The VALUES keyword is not used in an INSERT ... AS SELECT ... statement.
Control transactions
Transactions are started implicitly with DML.
Transactions ended with COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
COMMIT is fast, ROLLBACK is slow (can possibly take longer to ROLLBACK that it originally did to do the work).
Create a SAVEPOINT with SAVEPOINT name;.
You cannot ROLLBACK to a non-existant SAVEPOINT. One that either has not been created or has been ended via a ROLLBACK or COMMIT.
Introduction to Data Definition Language
Object names...
must be no longer than 30 characters;
must start with a letter (A-Z);
must include only A-Z, 0-9, _, $ or #.
must be upper case (even if entered lower case they will be converted to upper)''
may include additional characters and be lower case if enclosed with quotes ("). However, once this is done the object must always be referred to using quotes.
Objects names are case sensitive.
-- Results in two tables, one called TEST1 and another called test1.
Object names ( must be unique with their namespace.
Indexes, constraints and procedures have their own namespace so they can share a name with tables, views, sequences and private synonyms even within the same schema. This is because you cannot reference these directly with a SELECT statement.
DDL will fail if there is another active transaction against the object being altered.
It is impossible to DROP a table if it is the subject of a FOREIGN KEY from another table.
Oracle 12c includes a recycle bin that is enabled by default. Dropped objects can be recovered from here as long as they haven't been dropped with the PURGE option.
You cannot TRUNCATE a table that has foreign key values pointing to it.
Describe the data types that are available for columns
The following datatypes are important to know for the exam:
VARCHAR2 Variable-length character data from 1 byte to 4000 bytes if MAX_STRING_SIZE=STANDARD or 32767 bytes in MAX_STRING_SIZE=EXTENDED. The database is stored in the database character set.
CHAR Fixed-length character data, from 1 byte to 2000 bytes, in the database character set. If the data is not the length of the column then it will be padded with spaces.
NUMBER Numeric data, for which you can specify precision and scale. The precision can range from 1 to 38, the scale can range from -84 to 127.
FLOAT A subtype of the NUMBER datatype having a precision defined. A FLOAT value is represented internally as NUMBER. The precision can range from 1 to 126 binary digits. A FLOAT value requires from 1 to 22 bytes.
DATE The is either the length zero, if the column is empty or 7 bytes. All DATE data includes century, year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
TIMESTAMP This is length zero if the column is empty, or up to 11 bytes, depending on the precision specified. Similar to DATE but with precision of up to 9 decimal places for the seconds, 6 places by default.
TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE Like TIMESTAMP but the data is stored with a record kept of the time zone to which it refers. The length may be up to 13 bytes, depending on precision. This data type lets Oracle determine the difference between two time by normalizing them to UTA, even if the times are for different time zones.
TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE Like TIMESTAMP, but the data is normalize to the database time zone on saving. When retrieved, it is normalized to the time zone of the user processing it.
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH Used for recording a period in years and months between two DATEs or TIMESTAMPs.
INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND Used for recording a period in days and seconds between two DATEs or TIMESTAMPs.
RAW Variable-length binary data, from 1 byte to 4000 bytes if MAX_STRING_SIZE=STANDARD or 32767 bytes if MAX_STRING_SIZE=EXTENDED. Unlike the CHAR and VARCHAR2 data types, RAW data is not converted by Oracle Net from the databases character set to the user process's character set on SELECT or the other way on INSERT.
LONG Character data in the database character set, up to 2gb. All the functionality of LONG is provided by CLOB; LONGs should not be used in a modern database, and if your database has any columns of this type they should be converted to CLOB. There can only be one LONG column in a table.
LONG RAW Like LONG, but binary data that will not be converted by Oracle Net. Any LONG RAW columns should be converted to BLOBs.
CLOB Character data stored in the database character set, size effectively unlimited: (4gb - 1) multiplied by the database block size.
BLOB Like CLOB but binary data that will not undergo character set conversion by Oracle Net.
BFILE A locator pointing to a file stored on the operating system of the database server. The size of the files is limited to 4gb.
ROWID A value coded in base64 that is the pointer to the location of a row in a table. Encrypted within it is the exact physical address. ROWID is an Oracle proprietary data type, not visible unless specifically selected.
BINARY_FLOAT A 32-bit, single precision floating-point number. Each BINARY_FLOAT value requires 5 bytes, including a length byte.
BINARY_DOUBLE A 64-bit, double precision floating-point number datatype. Each BINARY_DOUBLE value requires 9 bytes, including a length byte.
VARCHAR2, NUMBER and DATE required a detailed understanding.
NUMBER with a negative scale will round:
id NUMBER(12, -4)
INSERT INTO numtest VALUES (12);
INSERT INTO numtest VALUES (12345);
INSERT INTO numtest VALUES (56789);
INSERT INTO numtest VALUES (99999);
SELECT*FROM numtest;
-- ID-- ------------- 0-- 10000-- 60000-- 100000
Create a simple table
The syntax for columns in a CREATE TABLE statement is:
CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... copies a tables structure including NOT NULL and CHECK constraints. PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE and FOREIGN KEYs are not copied.
RENAME COLUMN hiredate TO recruited
Marking the table as read-only
Explain how constraints are created at the time of table creation
UNIQUE constraints ignore NULL values.
PRIMARY KEY is a combination of UNIQUE and NOT NULL.
FOREING KEY constraints must reference columns of a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint in the referenced table.
DELETEing rows in a FOREIGN KEY referenced table is not allowed unless the constraint is specified with one of the following:
ON DELETE CASCADE Also delete the rows referencing the row to be deleted.
ON DELETE SET NULL Find any rows referencing the row to be deleted and make NULL the columns in the FOREIGN KEY.
Exams Gotchas
The following notes are not strictly Oracle Database related but should be remembered when taking the exam.
When provided with details of two or more tables (such as via a DESC) be sure to examine the column names carefully and check for any columns in both tables with the same name, especially if a NATURAL JOIN is used anywhere in the questions. Be 100% certain of the columns the NATURAL JOIN will be operating on.
When dealing with data conversions be sure to consider the NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting and whether the question relies on this or has possibly changed it.
Ensure that the datatypes are correct in functions. For example, the data types of all arguments to COALESCE must be the same. Do not rely on implicit casting with COALESCE either.
Cuando calcular estadisticas? De nuevo, no existe una regla sobre cada cuando se deben de calcular; pero algunos consejos son por ejemplo si se insertan/borran/actualizan un gran numero de registros a una tabla, tal vez millones, entonces inmediatamente despues hay que calcular debido a que si puede afectar los planes de ejecucion ya que se hizo un gran cambio. Si se desea hacer de manera automatica entonces depende de la carga de la base de datos, de la aplicacion, puede haber casos que semanalmente esta bien o hay veces que 1 vez al mes. Las estadisticas pueden actualizarse de dos maneras 1. Usando el comando sql ANALYZE 2. usando el paquete DBMS_UTILITY Usando el comando sql ANALYZE: Para actualizar las estadísticas de una tabla y todos sus índices, se debe ejecutar la siguiente sentencia: ANALYZE TABLE nombre_de_la_tabla COMPUTE STATISTICS; Para actualizar las estadísticas unicamente de la tabla y no de los índices, ejecutar: ANALYZE TABLE nombre_de_la_tabla COMPUTE STATISTI...
Aqui algunos ejemplos para adicionar y sustraer días y meses y encontrar la diferencia entre fechas en Oracle. Estos ejemplos toman el resultado de la tabla "dual. La tabla Dual es una tabla virtual que existe en todas las Bases de datos Oracle. Muchas veces hemos usado la consulta SELECT sysdate FROM dual; la cual simplemente nos retorna la fecha y hora actual. Ajustar Dias, Semanas, Horas y minutos Para adicionar y sustraer días a una fecha, simplemente usamos los signos + o - respectivamente. Algunos ejemplos: SQL> SELECT sysdate + 7 FROM dual; SYSDATE+ ------- 25/09/06 SQL> SELECT sysdate - 30 FROM dual; SYSDATE- -------- 19/08/06 SQL> SELECT to_char(sysdate - 14, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM') FROM dual; TO_CHAR(SYSDATE-14, ------------------- 09/04/2006 11:41 AM En el primer ejemplo, vemos que la consulta retorna la fecha siete días apartir de hoy. La segunda retorna la fecha de hace 30 días. En la tercera, se ha usado la función de c...
Definición de subconsultas. Una subconsulta es una sentencia SELECT que aparece dentro de otra sentencia SELECT . Normalmente se utilizan para filtrar una clausula WHERE o HAVING con el conjunto de resultados de la subconsulta, aunque también pueden utilizarse en la lista de selección. Por ejemplo podriamos consultar el alquirer último de un cliente. SELECT CO_CLIENTE, NOMBRE, MARCA, MODDELO FROM ALQUILERES WHERE CO_CLIENTE = 1 AND FECHA_ALQUILER = ( SELECT MAX (FECHA_ALQUILER) FROM ALQUILERES WHERE CO_CLIENTE = 1) En este caso, la subconsulta se ejecuta en primer lugar, obteniendo el valor de la máxima fecha de alquier, y posteriormente se obtienen los datos de la consulta principal. Una subconsulta tiene la misma sintaxis que una sentencia SELECT normal exceptuando que aparece encerrada entre paréntesis. La subconsulta se puede encontrar en la lista de selección, en la cláusula WHERE o en la cláusula HA...